Future Guardian,
Ever see something like…
Raise the floor
Invert the process
"You can’t win a race you don’t want to be in”
Your maximum achievability is not your maximum maintainability
A Barbell that shows:
Explore - Exploit
Upside - Reliable
Frequency of Exposure
or something similar and think…
“That’s great. But what does it mean FOR ME!?”
That’s a good question.
There is only way to know for sure.
Engage The Field.
You must engage the field because YOUR proof is better than anyone else’s opinion or theory.
An expert tells you that you cannot eat ice cream before bed and still lose weight and feel good
You eat ice cream before bed every night, lose weight and feel good.
Your proof - the real world evidence - trumps anyone else’s opinion, theory or prediction every single time. So you CAN eat ice cream before bed and look and feel good.
Your evidence is not THE reality, it’s yours. Your data, your input, the actual output are unique to you and your situation.
That’s why you must engage the field, to get the data set that is unique to you - because that is the reality for you.
So how is one to figure out how to engage the field or what to do?
Identify a constraint
Develop a theory or a hypothesis using sound principles
Test that hypotheses
Gather the data
Rinse and repeat
I know. Applying that to many different domains feels like a lot.
Fortunately, there are MANY people that subscribe to the “live to learn, give to earn” ethos. They are people with strong principles that live and breathe their domains - like marketing, advertising, fitness, investing, dog training, design or whatever.
And you can learn from most of them as they engage the field.
We are also working on separate sections of this newsletter to help you apply the principles to specific domains or to remove specific constraints as we continue to actively engage the field.
For example:
Lukas Resheske is doing a full five day (free) break down of the Clarity Hierarchy in the Unofficial Facebook Group for free.
Laurel Portie and our team are putting together a Marketing and Advertising specific sections for you.
You can see the Marketing and Advertising Section here
The team is working with fitness legend Dan John to bring a fitness section. We will also get contributions from Dr. Lynn Wagner, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, and other fitness professionals in the Guardian tier.
You can see the fitness section here.
These are all examples of principles in action.
The Best Way To Learn (For Us)
We believe the best way to learn the Guardian Academy principles is to become them.
In other words, do the work, get the results and then circle back and understand the underlying concepts and principles after you get the results. You will have already become/embodied them, all that’s left will be to be aware of what you’ve become.
It will make perfect sense to you because unlike learning in the classroom, you have already experienced it.
Remember, your experience > our theory. If you have a unique way of learning things that works for you, don’t let anyone tell you it doesn’t.
Keep an eye out for Guardians, contributors, partners and peers that are actively engaging the field but only after engaging it, yourself.
Live to learn. Give to Earn.
Guardian Academy