How To Become An Ambassador



Share your referral link and get your friends, ideally people who will take action and do good shit in the world, to sign up.

When they do, you get free stuff.

You’ll need to collect:

  • 5 referrals to become an official ambassador

  • 23 referrals to get limited edition apparel. To keep the supply limited, the item changes when we run out. Here is the current reward for reaching this tier.

  • 46 referrals to get a free event ticket. If you already have an event ticket, you’ll get upgraded to VIP.

  • 69 referrals- Surprise =)

  • 100 referrals- The appropriately pretentious

  • 500 referrals to get free event tickets..for as long as we do events (because we aren’t supposed to say “for life” but that’s basically what it is)

  • 4,023 referrals and we will fly you out to Phoenix to hang out with our founder, our team and do something crazy fun.

As you hit each barrier you will get an email from me, the founder and CEO of the Guardian Academy.

The steps are super simple:

  1. View the leaderboard and grab your referral link here.

  2. Send your referral link to people that you think would be a great fit to join us

  3. Drop into the Unofficial Facebook Group to ask the top referrers how they are referring to many people. In our experience, they’re always happy to share.

And if you need help getting your first few referrals, Guardian Joesph Robertson dropped this video with some tips and tricks to getting referrals.

More Way To Become An Ambassador

In collaboration with the Guardian Marketing and Advertising publication… anyone that reaches their Tier 1 referral reward will automatically be granted status as a Guardian Academy Ambassador!

Click here to see the Guardian Marketing Leaderboard and grab your own referral link!

If you have any questions, just let us know.


Live to learn. Give to earn.
Guardian Academy