I love the decision making matrix - always good to consider how it turned out and sometimes not in our control no matter what we do … and how would be do it different next time 6WU - decisions, no matter outcome, learn insights

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thats been one of the most interesting frameworks to me. when you can approach decision making disconnect from outcome, not only does it alleviate the stress of trying to make a good outcome (which you cant really control) but it also tends to actually lead to better outcomes in the long run 😄

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Wish I would have read this yesterday morning. I felt that need to feel and made some moves I regret.

6WU: Don’t let feelings drive decision making. Or Doing nothing is a valid decision.

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no shame Jeremy. were never perfect. just improving one little bit at a time. maybe you realized your mistake much sooner - thats a good thing

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Appreciate the cautionary tale. Feelings are indeed natural, but making decisions based on them is not necessary. Your health, happiness, and best chance at success are better served by your reasoned choices.

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I am a turtle in need of speed. This is very useful. Now I see the connection between the need to feel and seeking certainty. I am in the right place as long as I keep on taking action that is what really matter. Thank You.

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