Couldn’t agree more that identity is a fundamental concern and so much more than any role we play in life. Identity informs purpose and belonging which in turn informs meaning and legacy. It is far too easy (and common) to fall into the identity trap of becoming what others want or what institutionalized education and occupation wants you to be. You’re becoming lies and being more of what you’ve always been. To trust the process, you must trust yourself. To trust yourself, you must know thy self. Start with who. Start with you!

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I feel lately like I'm dancing around these ideas which I've heard for many years and which I never paid attention to ... in a way which I would hope my past self who never listened would actually listen. If that makes sense. like, how many times have I heard 'know yourself' and been like "yea sure buddy" and moved on oblivious. Maybe if I just heard it differently ...

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My guess is that it’s a different man different river thingy…

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yea for sure. i think its perhaps a necessary path of life.

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