One of the key lessons of Bumpers1, is that most people fail to appreciate when bad things DON'T happen.
We're so keyed into the reward from overcoming obstacles that we don't realize how good it is to not put the obstacle in front of ourselves to begin with.
In yesterday's 'Rockin' Xmas Arena, Mindset Mary gave us a little insight on what tomorrow's Bumpers Workshop2 is going to be all about ...
Identifying what you DON'T want to happen
(Your Gutters)
and then putting into place things to STOP those bad things from happening to begin with.
(Your Bumpers)
Everyone who shows up tomorrow at 9:30 AM PST for the 90 minute workshop, who Engage the Field, will leave with their Gutters Defined (what you DON'T want to happen), and their Bumpers in place (what you'll do to keep the bad things from happening).
If that sounds like something useful to start your new year ....
Go read Bumpers real quick if you haven't -- -- (it's like a 30 minute read).
And then show up here tomorrow ...
We'll update this post and the other one with the zoom link for the workshop. If you're subscribed to this Substack (The Guardian Academy), I'll also be emailing you the link.
At 9:30 AM - Join The Zoom Here
Be Useful. Be Present. Love the Journey.
Joseph Robertson, CMO The Guardian Academy
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Ready to apply your ideas to reality? You may find our Engage the Field Handbook a useful and effective resource.
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