Engaging The Field

The only way you’re going to get results from anything is by applying what you learn, getting the data and iterating quickly.

We call it “Engaging The Field”.

Below is the “Engaging The Field” Workshop and resources.

Engaging The Field Workshop

Step One: Watch

[If You’re Ready To Step Into The Arena, You Can Get On The Waitlist Here.]

Step Two: Read

Engaging The Field Workshop Resources:

The Classroom vs Reality



Additional Resources:

Engage The Field:

If you want to use our infrastructure to engage the field, you are welcome to do so. Here’s how:

How To Engage The Field and Invite To The Arena
TGA Unofficial Facebook Group
Guardian Events
TGA+ member can engage the field right here in this publication, comment access is enabled.

Shoulders of Giants

Some of the people that have heavily influenced us and shaped the Arena

Dr. Jeff Spencer
Randy Massengale
Akshay Nanavati
Jon Hurry

About The Arena:

Video Here.


Now… go engage the field.

Use our infastructure, someone else’s or create your own. It doesn’t really matter. What’s important to us is that you start doing the thing and getting the data.

It’s helpful, sometimes, to invite friends, spouses and business partners along - for accountability and to share collective momentum. If you know anyone that would benefit from it, please share this process with them and get them movin’


Live to learn. Give to earn.
Guardian Academy.

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  • Forthcoming Event and Experience Dates can be found by clicking here. Nothing compares to being in the right room with the right people. It doesn’t have to be our room with us - just get yourself in proximity to the right people, places and things for you.

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