Future Guardian,
This month, we are starting something new. We picked it up from Jame Clear. He sends an email every Thursday called the 3-2-1 newsletter. This is how he describes it:
Each message includes 3 short ideas from me, 2 quotes from others, and 1 question for you to ponder.
We think it’s an excellent idea.
So we are going to model it, but with twist. The Guardian Academy 3-2-1 will be monthly and the structure will be 3 from me, 2 things new and 1 thing fun.
Three me, two new, one fun.
The three from me will likely come from conversations happening in the Guardian tier, the two new is self evident - it’s new stuff - and one for fun will often be something another Guardian Academy member is doing that we find interesting, entertaining and…uh…fun.
Three From Me
Innovation does not scale.
It gets adopted as it turns into information.
Doing something just because you can win doesn't make you competitive.
It makes you petty.
Joining a race because you can win it is a great way to stay out of the race you actually want to be in.
Many people are chasing something - hoping to get there in 5-10 years. If they just sat down and applied the fundamentals, they would realize they’re closer than they think…
…or they’re already there.
Two New
Peak Performance and Productivity Intensive. An intensive for developing the mindset, habits and schedule to perform your best. It is a collection from Dr. Jeff Spencer.
Contributors Corner. If you want to binge on stuff from TGA contributors and partners, you can do so below. Some of this is public, most of it is not. It will be moved to the new members are for Guardians and Founding members once I figure out how to give people access (lol)
One For Fun
Gus the Wolf Pup continue having a great time living to learn and giving to earn.
We love to see Gus on calls and get a kick out of his posts.
Until next time,
Guardian Academy
PS. Remember, the Bumpers Workshop is the first Monday of every month!