Loved absorbing and implementing the Champions Perfect Day! A few questions come to mind:

1. As much as I would love to follow the Perfect Day as closely as possible, I have specific constraints that I can't adjust specifically in the morning in terms of getting 4 kids off to school. My question is, would it be detrimental to my focus/energy if I was to cut the "preparation" window from 120 min to 30 min and get going on my creative hard tasks 30 min after waking? I normally wake up at 5am and have a solid 2 - 2.5 hours before I need to take a 1.5 hour break to get everyone up and out the door. If I were to do 30 min preparation followed by 2 hours of creative hard all by 7:30am, what could I potentially be risking and how best could I mitigate those adverse effects (if any) given my constraints (i.e. not available from 7:30-9:00am).

2. I like to workout mid-day which would be during the "perform" domain instead of the "pull-back" domain, because I feel like I need the energy boost and I tend to be too energy depleted by 4pm which doesn't give me the intensity level I need to feel like I put in a good workout. My question is, should I try to have a second "light" workout at 4pm or is one enough?

3. I normally can't take advantage of the "wrap up" creative window and have been experimenting with trying out administrative easy tasks before bed (9:00-10:00) because I normally don't get to them during my workday but I continue to think about how these tasks are piling up. Is this recommended or would that impact my performance the next day?

4. Similar to Andrea, what should the weekend schedule look like? I actually love learning, acquiring new skills, building my coaching business, etc. so for me it doesn't really feel like "work" but I also know that I tend to hyper obsess over things that genuinely interest me so I also struggle with healthy boundaries to rest and recover. What does a champions weekend look like?

Thank you for giving us the space to ask questions, just understanding the cortisol curve and knowing what activities are best suited to what time blocks (and why) has allowed me to get more done with less effort and more energy! This course has been a total game changer, thank you!!! =)

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Seems we have similar questions that come when you engage and make it work for YOU. :-)

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@Nic, thank you! I'll be in Phoenix July 1&2 and would love to hang out with you guys if possible. Thank you for offering!

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Can you describe your cornerman or the cornermen that created the environment and

lifelong incremental milestones for you to become a cornerman yourself?

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(Copied across from my other comment)

I've successfully implemented the champion’s day course techniques and am very grateful for Dr Jeff’s teaching. The course is thorough and enlightening. I already gained about 5 hours by improving task and email management. This combines insights from the course and TGA principles like via negativa, which I've shared in another post and at the latest arena event.

Dr Jeff mentioned in his course that he would answer questions monthly (to those who engage), so I have a few questions, I am not sure if it is ok to post them all together or if I should split them (If so let me know please). So here they are (nr 1 is the most important). Thanks for insights or resources/videos/articles.

1, I still face challenges in completing important work tasks. I use the three lists and allocate tasks to four time slots during the engage phase, with creative tasks in the morning and administrative in the afternoon.

Yet, I rarely get to the third list because pressing tasks from the second list dominate, and regular tasks like contacting potential leads and creating videos take longer than expected.

Consequently, I either postpone other creative tasks to the next day again and again, or only get to them in the afternoon when I'm less mentally sharp, and when only administrative tasks or calls/client sessions are planned. And if I do other creative tasks in the morning and plan i.e. lead gen for the afternoon, it never gets done as I procrastinate or morning tasks need finishing.

I'm considering batching my work more, though lead generation, which I need to do daily at a minimum effective dose (MED) to advance my business, often feels like a procrastination trigger.

I'm working on further reducing my tasks, setting time limits and optimizing my time, deciding priorities with a simple yes/no lens.

What strategies could help me better allocate time for essential regular tasks such as lead gen while still making room for creative projects and on-business tasks?

2, Would it be possible to get the full Circadian graph as a PDF?

3, In the recuperate Module you mention shortly a scorecard. I am not clear on how to do the scorecard (how well did I adapt today?), could I see a sample or template, or a video with more info on how to use it.

4, I am trying to adapt the champion’s day to the weekend, my rest days. How to structure rest days for max recuperation and still get stuff (personal projects, planning/reviewing, admin) done? Should I plan specific time for more recuperation during the rest days? What would be an ideal “recuperation” day schedule to recharge batteries?

5 , The "morning Inbox" gives me mixed/no wanted results. I wake up often around 4 am (not my wake up time) and do have some “inbox” type ideas, then fall asleep but by the time I actually get up (6.30 am), I forget them. When I usually wake up around 6.30 am, my brain is not in that wave length and no ideas pop up (I tried).

What could I do to get those ideas popping when waking up? Are there specific questions I could ask myself? A trick to get me into this state?

As a side note, I think my weekend 1 hr meditation does get me in that state but only after +-50 min (I meditate every day shorter without the same result). Would Yoga Nidra allow me to get to those waves?

6, What times/windows are ideal to focus on the following during the recuperation phase such as: tv, reading, journaling, friends/socialising, learning, oh and also what about sex? I would be curious to get your take - these things are not necessarily daily but I would also like to optimize them as they are part of my life.

Thank you very much in advance for your time!

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