How To Get The Most Out Of Being Here

Once again, welcome to The Guardian Academy!

And once again… we’re glad you’re here.

Bookmark this page so that you can find it and refer back to it. There is no way to navigate to it from the homepage.

This is one of those “IYKYK” things.

The Guardian Academy goes WAY beyond the public facing newsletter. Of course, we recommend that you take what is useful to you and disregard the rest for now.

If you’re the kind of person that…

  • wants to be fully integrated into something, fill out this form here. We treat this like new member onboarding. You’ll get onboarding emails, access to the concierge desk and access to our premium, digital resources.

If you just want to get the newsletter delivered to your inbox, there is no further action to take - you’re right where you need to be.

Sections and Sub-publications

The highest tier of the Guardian Academy is reserved for mover, shakers and innovators. Many of them take what they learn in the Guardian Academy and apply it to their industries, domains or situations.

And then share or teach it.

  • The Cornerman’s Corner is made up of contributions and insights from one of the greatest performance and mindset coaches of all time, Dr. Jeff Spencer.

  • The Guardian Marketing publication houses some of the best marketing, advertising and business development stuff that comes out of the Guardian Academy.

You’ll see other publications listed as recommendations from us. That means that either:

  • The author derives strategies, tactics and tools from Guardian Academy principles or

  • The Guardian Academy derives principles an strategies from the author

If you choose to follow some of those rabbit holes, you’ll see the same patterns, concepts and principles applied to different domains and presented differently. We think this is a great way to learn.

Bonus Membership

One of our Guardians, Brandon Straza, built an association to offer better options for things like:

  • Payment processing

  • Health insurance

  • Home and Auto insurance

…you know the boring stuff none of us want to think about.

He also made the association free for subscribers of the Guardian Academy. There will be a time where we can’t offer this - but you will not lose access to anything you already have when that happens. You can read about the association and decide if you’re interested or not here

What’s Next?

That’s entirely up to you.

The “ascension model” is:

  1. Free subscriber

  2. Paid subscriber ($10 a month or $97 a year)

  3. The Arena

  4. Guardian

To be honest, everything you need is in the free tier. Especially once you find all the videos and resources scattered around the internet.

If you choose to climb the tiers, it will shortcut some stuff for you and you’ll get integrated further into the community.

The Arena and Guardian are on waitlists and we don’t enroll many people nor do we enroll very often. Most of the invites to upgrade and bonuses for paid members are sent via direct mail. We think it’s cool to give people something to hold in their hand.

Remember, you can bookmark this page and come back to it.

It’s a living, breathing document. It’s updated frequently.

live to learn. give to earn.

Nic Peterson
Founder, Guardian Academy

  • Most Popular Posts can be seen by clicking here.

  • Social Media: Check our our new Instagram for aesthetically pleasing stuff and exclusive video clips. Twitter (Or X) for more frequent updates and insights.

  • Forthcoming Event and Experience Dates can be found by clicking here. Nothing compares to being in the right room with the right people. It doesn’t have to be our room with us - just get yourself in proximity to the right people, places and things for you.

  • Our “Out Of Print” Business Development Books and Letters are available by clicking here for paid subs. A lot of marketers try and resell this stuff, just get it here.