Resource Engineering Bonus Resources


If you’re seeing this, you submitted the basic recapture homework, which means you took action!

If you decide to get on the waitlist for the Arena, you’ve already been tagged to be moved above everyone that did not do the resource engineering homework.

Below are some additional resources to go deeper down the rabbit hole and recapture more time, effort, money and energy.

Bonus 1: Your Members Area

Your Resource Engineering members area is here.

If you can’t remember your password, just use the reset password option and use the same email you registered with. Check back often, as we are always updating it.

Bonus 2: Engaging the Field

Ready to Engage the field?

Here’s our concierge number: +1 858-381-4691

If you decide to step into the Arena within 30 days of submitting your homework, you can text our concierge number saying “I’m ready to engage the field”

…and we will show you the VIP door to bypass the entire waitlist. And, you’ll get a discount if you decide to enroll.

If you’re not ready to step into the Arena you can grab a copy of the Engaging The Field Handbook and I’ll throw in a free month of QnA and workshops. Use discount code: RRETF

Note. If you are a business owner, I strongly recommend getting the R3 book. The Engaging The Field Manual comes with it. And, you get $100 off for doing the work. Use promo: MBDR3

Bonus 3: Free Membership To Access Payment Processing, Health Insurance, Life Insurance and More:

(This is intermediate and advanced recapture & reallocate)

The best payment processing and insurance options are often available only to select groups of people, like associations. Fortunately, one of our Guardians and Arena members created an association and I can give people (like you) free memberships (The level you are getting is $400 a year. Don’t worry, you don’t even need to give them any payment info)

Grab your free association membership here letting them know what you’re interested in and that you have a free membership courtesy of the Guardian Academy.

I know this isn’t the “sexy” stuff, but it’s the important stuff.

Bonus 4: For Business Owners Looking To Grow

Speaking of stuff that’t not sexy, until it is….

Here’s a 14 day free trial of the Man Bites Dog Publication, which is all of our principles applied to growing our companies. The welcome package along pays for many years of subscription.

Live to learn. Give to earn.
Guardian Academy.

PS. If you want to recapture your time and energy, read Bumpers. It’s short, but powerful. You can get a free copy of Bumpers here.

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  • Forthcoming Event and Experience Dates can be found by clicking here. Nothing compares to being in the right room with the right people. It doesn’t have to be our room with us - just get yourself in proximity to the right people, places and things for you.

  • Our “Out Of Print” Business Development Books and Letters are available by clicking here for paid subs. A lot of marketers try and resell this stuff, just get it here. 

  • The pre-req or “Starter/Self Stay Guide” to understand marketing and sales through the lens of TGA principles can be found right here.

Basic, intermediate, and advanced recapture resources delivered direct to your inbox